FT-IR Purge Gas on Demand, up to 28 lpm
The Parker Balston ‘plug and play’ FT-IR purge gas generator is engineered to transform standard compressed air from an integral state of the art oil-free compressor, into a safe regulated supply of dry (-73°C), CO2 free (< 1 ppm) purge gas.
The FT-IR gas generators are an ideal alternative to nitrogen producing cleaner background spectra in a shorter time. Payback periods are typically less than one year. By removing CO2 and water vapour the signal to noise ratio allows more accurate analysis, particularly from 1,200-2,000, 2,400 and 3,600-4,000 wave numbers.
Product Features:
? Produces a continuous supply of purge gas for FT-IR’s at a fraction of the cost of nitrogen
? Complete ‘Plug and Play’ generator
? Improve signal-to-noise ratio even on non-purge systems -cleaner spectra in a shorter time
? Recommended and used by all leading FT-IR manufacturers
? Eliminate costly nitrogen cylinders from the laboratory
? Internal acoustic dampening ensures quiet operation