iPhone App Development

App Development Solutions

There are a number of ways to go today to build a mobile app.  The information on this page can hopefully steer you in the right direction.

For many small to mid-sized companies there are options such as Appmakr.com, CrowdCompass for Event Apps, Shoutem, AppInstitute.com, Appery, Appypie and a host of other 3rd party development platforms.  These companies offer a tech-free way to build an app on Android or iOS.  This is a great way to go for a low tech solution where only standard features are needed.  The advantage to using this solution is the ability to quickly deploy an app without prior app development knowledge and at a low cost.  Much like developing a website from a template, design and functionality options are limited to what the platform offers.  When looking at one of these solutions it is possible that customers could be at the mercy of the platform, who owns all the technology.

Custom App Solutions

For custom development solutions, there are still several options available.  You can hire a developer who builds Hybrid apps built outside of the native device language.  These apps offer the flexibility of running on both Apple and Android.  There is no provision for device specific functionality since the goal is for the app to run on all devices.  This option does provide customization of features and functionality common to all devices.

Native App Development

Developing an app native to the device platform can be quite costly but offer a better experience for your customers.  Developing apps on Apple requires development to take place in a Mac environment using Xcode and Objective-C or Swift in order to take advantage of all of their core interactions.  The same would be true for developing for Kindle, Android, Blackberry or Windows.  Since few people can afford to have apps developed for every single platform, hybrid solutions are often the most economical choice. Alternatively, a company may opt to have a mobile app developed for Apple and Android only and choose not to support other devices. This isn’t a bad option if most of your customers use Android and Apple devices. Close evaluation of metrics that determine who the primary users are for your business can help you make this decision.

Deciding To Build An App

Do you really need a mobile App? Now that we have responsive websites and web technology has significantly advanced for creating mobile experiences you can have your website designed to be mobile friendly you can have the same or similar functions developed in a website. For instance, we are now able to have websites send push notifications to users.  This bank project I worked on was designed to look and function like a mobile app.  Another mobile example can be found here and here. Mobile friendly web applications can be beneficial in that they require no download and can work on all devices including smart tv if designed properly.

In short, when making a choice for how your company app will be developed, first determine what type of functionality will be needed.  Could your mobile issues be resolved if your website is designed display in a mobile friendly manner, or will you need additional functionality that your web developer cannot offer? While apps are in demand, the solution may not always be a mobile app. It may just require a better optimized website that conforms to mobile standards.

If you decide you want an app in the app store, you need to make a decision of whether you want to do it yourself with an app builder  or hire a developer to create the app for you. Research and compare the different companies.  A few links are in shown above. Can you get by on the basic functions that an online do it yourself app builder offer or will you need more customization? Can you test the app builder on a trial basis? Will you own the App you create or will the app builder company own the app? How much time will you have to invest in the app development process?  How much help will you need and how much support is the app builder or developer willing to provide?

Asking as many questions and doing as much research will increase your chances of success.  It may be worth the investment to hire a consultant to guide you through this process if you are unsure about which option is best for your business.

App Demonstration

Here is a video demonstration of an iPhone App development project I did for the Dallas Video Fest. In 2009, I enrolled at the University of Texas at Arlington to participate in a new program to be conducted by the Science Department and the Film Department.  The Science Department dropped out of the program and I convinced the Director of the Art/Film Department to allow me to figure out the app development process.  I was also able to teach students in the class what I learned through the process.

The final result was an app is designed to play the featured video of the week and links to the festival schedule. Participants can submit a video using the app and contact the Festival using built-in email function. The app was designed to keep the user inside the app by creating a web browser within the app when accessing web related content or sending email. The client has ability to update the video. I hosted the app content and provided limited access for video uploads.